Wow how time has flown by. The puppies were all taken to the vets on Friday. They all passed their health checks and received their first shots. They are sleeping in their crates now from 10pm until 4am, with no accidents. Which is heavenly as 8 weeks of semi sleepless nights starts to wear a person down.

This has been my first litter of puppies and it has been a steep learning curve. We started out using the Puppy Culture protocols and workbooks to socialize and train the puppies. I feel like I just barely touched the amount of training that the book recommends. But these puppies are so well mannered and socialized. They are “manding” politely, they share their toys without aggression, and they are pretty good at taking new experiences on without too much hesitation. I have had so many mentors helping me through this, I just can’t thank them all enough.